Long strands require root care to the ends

Most women desire object, long hair, when beautiful and bright, attracts looks and gains compliments, but to have that result the yarns need differentiated care that will ensure the good look of the root to the tips. Much of the damage to the long wires can be avoided with simple measures, which begin at the most basic of procedures: washing. In the bath, prefer to wash the locks gently rather than wrapping the length at the top of the head and rubbing it - a practice that can further open the scales of the hair fiber.
The frequent hydrates help to recover the health of the threads and still leave us beautiful and soft. Before you begin, wash the threads with Tiefenreinigendes Shampoo. Then repeat the procedure with a shampoo specific to the hair type. This will balance the wires. Just like the shampoo and conditioner, it is important to choose the moisturizing product corresponding to the type of hair. Hydration for curly hair is important for restoring the hair, as the irregular shape of the hair hinders the distribution of natural oils to the tips, which makes them more dry, while the specific moisturizing for oily hair is more adequate to not leave them Heavy and without volume.
Another important step is to apply a nourishing mask on the strands and massage wick by wick to aid absorption of the product by the hair fiber. The procedure can be repeated every 15 days. Capillary ampules also help in moisturizing, softening, shining, nourishing and repairing the double tips, which are more common in long hair.
Because they have a long length, the hair tips can be sensitized by physical and chemical wear, ie, damaged cuticles and wax-free keratin, ceramides and lipids. To prevent the tips from branching and doubling, apply non-rinse creams, such as , and do not forget the serums and silicone repairers. These products form a protective film, which minimizes the effect of the aggressions and avoids the double ends.
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